Being forced to play on controller to even compete feels like trying to drive a car with a brain interface, You don't have to learn shit to do averagely, but it is NOT designed for this, and it sure as hell feels like shit.

I am confidently above average at FPS games, especially ones where you play very aggressively, but you have to be near perfect if you want to compete with even the worst controller players, movement is super fast but aim assist is INSANELY strong at close range, triple so if you're moving at all.
I know this, because I am a confidently BELOW-average controller user, I have barely used them in the last 10 years, and I play just as good as I did when I was like 11, which is to say; badly.
But I confidently compete with my numbers on KB&M while I'm trying pretty damn hard.

There is no KB&M only playlist, there is no crossplay toggle, there is no mercy.

The only time KB&M is a hot contender is with sniping, and it sure as hell isn't what it was in the first Warzone, TTK is vastly lower which means snipers have less impact, and all the snipers right now are either weighty hunks of junk, or won't guarantee as many downs on a good hit.

Aim assist is triggering on people you haven't even seen yet, promoting mindless pre-fire.
It triggers on people zipping around, so unless you're either super far away or right up in their face and can cross their screen in a second you're going to get aimbotted short-mid range.
It even triggers on people super far away, just very weakly.

If Halo, the one FPS series that has ever made playing a FPS on a controller feel anything less than dogshit (but still not BETTER) can still not balance it to the point, where they have to just throw up their hands and say "I give up." and add aim assist to MOUSE (BAD COMPROMISE!) you KNOW that aim assist arms races do not work.

It's not even as if controller aiming methods haven't been found, gyro aiming and flick stick have been around for years now, and they're perfectly good options, removing the need for aim assist this strong, and allowing there to be an engaging skill curve on consoles.

There's absolutely NO skill expression outside of how good you are at running around, I've found more success playing with controller on one hand, and keyboard with my other, this works better than it should and if I was right handed, would be straight-up viable.

Thankfully with the dawn of Twitch, accessibility of information and parts, as well as consoles going from being overpriced shitboxes with no good games on them to VERY overpriced shitboxes with no games PERIOD on them, the PC market is growing, and yet again Goliath will fall, because who the fuck wants to play a FPS game on a PC using a controller, it's like building a car just so you can have something to tow around as you walk.

Reviewed on May 11, 2024
