This game is similar to the Persona Q games in terms of writing, length and pacing. You will expirience a very wholesome story. But in terms of gameplay, it is very different to everything else in the whole Persona franchise.

The tactic gameplay, it's simple but efective. However it will start slowly and it will take some time to develop, but once you get the hang of it, you are in for great amount of strategies that can even get you to win battles in 1 turn.

Sadly, the traditional fusion mechanics is one of the weakest of the whole megami franchise. You can only select one skill to pass in every fusion, which limited a lot the combat options. But it evens out with all the option every character has, still it could have been a lot better, at least for the people who likes to break games with insane strategies.

The levels are actually more fun than they look like, you can see them as puzzles that are solved by bringing the right characters with the right skills at the right positions, so when you get the perfect combination it will feel very gratifying.

The art style, altough not for everyone, is not as simple it looks. For example, the character portraits have a lot of variations, and whats even more impresive, they are not the same whenever a character is looking left or right. It has a lot of charm, and Im sure you will love it eventually.

The music might be the weakest point but it still rocks, maybe it's not as good as the main games and not even close the Persona Q soundtracks, but still very enjoyable.

Overall I had a pleasant surprise with this game, I wasn't expecting much, but it was for sure one of the best games of 2023. However, it's tricky to recommend this game, you need to be a tactics fan or a huge persona fan to really enjoy it, luckily I am both, so win win!

Reviewed on Feb 05, 2024
