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Leeleebug3 completed Supermarket Simulator
weirdly addicting but its a buggy mess right now even for early access. feel like with some new updates and if some QOL features were added i could see myself spending a lot more hours on here. Even if it does just feel like work.

8 days ago

Leeleebug3 finished Paranormasight: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo
Went in completely blind and honestly that's the best way to play this. I feel like it does get a bit wordy at times but the mystery and the art and music are all really good. not a very long game either. would recommend if you like the nonary games or the somnium files

8 days ago

Leeleebug3 completed Paranormasight: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo
Went in completely blind and honestly that's the best way to play this. I feel like it does get a bit wordy at times but the mystery and the art and music are all really good. not a very long game either. would recommend if you like the nonary games or the somnium files

8 days ago

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