A sweet and simple little puzzle game, highly recommend if you enjoyed other games such as carto.
you play as Ember, who goes around helping others and teaching how to get through hard times, when hope is lost.
puzzles are simple enough to get through, but not so much that it becomes dull. with beautiful colours and art style to follow.

A thought provoking and emotionally written game, with a charming hand drawn art style, and smooth soundtrack.
the game takes place in a hotel, where everyone's rooms reflect their dreams, and are designed to help them understand more about themselves. you play as a character visiting 6 guests throughout the game, and get to listen to their thoughts.
A very short game, only really lasting around 40mins - 1h, and features little to no gameplay, but great for those that like to sit and listen to stories.
I'd personally recommend whilst playing to really pay attention to whats being said and think a little more into it and its meanings in order to enhance your experience, rather than just skipping through :)

This game focuses on the struggles a child faces living in post WWII Norway, as the biological child of a Nazi.
with a charming soundtrack, you play as their adopted parent, making decisions on how you spend your day, with a limited number of actions, and hard choices to make.
Its a definite tearjerker, as you watch your child struggle due to their background, and is even more so to learn that real people have suffered through this cruelty, whilst doing nothing wrong themselves.
as another review mentioned, I also was unaware of this part of history and am glad to have learnt about it and am grateful for games like these that help to spread awareness and educate others on what had such a big impact on some peoples life's.
money from sales is also donated towards The children of war program, so if theres any reason to pick up and try it, its that.

Brilliant little game, me and a friend picked it up in a bundle and laughed our asses off playing it!
very simple game, you play as a stickman, who practically throws itself around through different levels, picking up weapons or even just physically beating your opponent to death.
cycles through a range of different platforms, some of which with some unexpected surprises.
highly recommend as a chill game with friends, or if you've had a rough day and need some laughs!

an eerie game following a child and their escape from nightmarish beings you encounter throughout as you puzzle solve and platform your way out.
A fairly short game with incredible visuals and an atmospheric soundtrack, this game is perfect for any horror or platformer fans.

incredible game, loved every second of it!
You play as Joel, a 40-something year old living in a post-apocalyptic world, and tasked with getting a child (Elie) across the city, all the while watching them bond and grow together as they come across various encounters and dilemmas.
I loved this game and its story telling, weather it was sitting through some of Ellies awful jokes, or picking up notes left behind, and learning of the world or the lives of others (which I highly recommend, I found the sewers notes especially interesting)
with an emotionally driven soundtrack, and great scenery, this game is perfect for any fan of story driven games, or even just a zombie lover!

!!!This is the DLC to The Last of Us, and I highly encourage you to play the main game before playing this, as it does contain spoilers, and is more enjoyable if you already know the characters!!!

This game focuses on Ellie, and her memories of the past as she fights through the present, with more amazing scenery another great soundtrack, this is perfect for fans of the original game and other story driven fans.

Ellies past follows the story of her and her 'friend' Riley, living in a post-apocalyptic world and sneaking into an abandoned Mall, exploring and interacting with the different things they find, all under the cover of darkness.
throughout you get to learn more about Elie and who she was before Joel, giving you a more in-depth view of her character, and how her experiences have sculpted her into who she is in the present.

compared to most other reviews, I quite enjoyed this game, although it did take me a bit of time to get through it.
same concept as the original life is strange (LIS), only this time your playing as Chloe, and as the name suggests, before Max (from the main series) appears, and her developing relationship with Rachel Amber.

although the story not being as gripping as the first LIS, it still held my attention and I enjoyed my experience playing. I felt like it gave a better view into who exactly Racheal Amber is and why she so important to Chloe, compared to the first LIS where she was shown as an important character, however not much was actually said about her and It failed to give me any sort of connection to the character thus having little feelings towards the end.
However with the added depth of Before the Storm, looking back on the original game, I feel a lot more strongly about story, and feel it gives a lot more impact.

I would even go to suggest potentially playing before the storm (BTS) first, so you get that additional meaning when playing LIS for the first time.
however, with it not being as drawing as the original, I wouldn't want it to negatively shape anyone's opinions of series, and if taking this approach, would highly recommend others to still try out the original series even if not enjoying BTS

sweet and short, only took me about 30-40 mins to complete but enjoyed it none the less :)
tells the story of Florence and her adventures through adult hood and its twists and turns of a a relationship.
perfect as a cozy game to sit back and relax, with vibrate colourful visuals and a sweet soundtrack.

I feel a lot of online reviews have done this game dirty, I really enjoyed playing days gone, and would recommend it to anyone else who loves a good zombie apocalypse, or open world games, brilliant for any the last of us, or red dead redemption lovers.

The story follows our main character Deacon in a post apocalyptic world, and his search for his wife that he still believes is alive. throughout the game you meet other characters and follow a multitude of different story lines, that all tie together in someway as you face off against the un-dead. outside of the story, the open world aspect of the games is also entertaining and with a great soundtrack to go along, does well at keeping the game atmospheric and I found myself more times than once driving into an area, only to instantly backtrack screaming, whilst throwing any explosive I had on hand behind me.

all thought the game does have its faults, and at times can become a little repetitive, I personally really enjoyed days gone and found myself eager to peruse the story and learn more about the different characters. overall, the pros massively outweigh the cons on this one, and if you've ever taken an interest in the game, or enjoy others in the same genre, I highly recommend picking up a copy, especially as you can get one fairly cheaply, and give it a shot.

assemble with care is a short and sweet puzzle game, you play a character in a new town going around and helping to fix up the broken possessions of the townsfolk and in turn, learning the stories about them.
soundtrack and art style was nice, it doesn't have a lot of of game play, only taking me 2 hours to complete, however I loved figuring out how to dissemble and fix the different objects. the game fits perfectly into the 'cozy games' atheistic and I would recommend to any fans of Florence, unpacking, and coffee talk.

first light delves into the back story of fetch, a character first mentioned in previous game, 'second son'. I enjoyed its game play, and thought the handling of the neon abilities actually played out far better than Delsin's own, as well as them being really visually pleasing.
the story is fairly short and felt a little rushed as it just seemed to jump from one thing to the next without any sort of development in-between, however, it still plays out a understandable story, and gives you a deeper understanding of fleches character that the previous game lacked. although advertised as more of a dlc to 'second son', first light can be played as a stand alone game, and can potentially enhance you experience of the series as it plays out as a prequal to 'second son'.
the game also has a battle arena where you can fight to survive and save hostages for as long as long as possible, this can be entertaining for a bit and sets up a challenge for yourself to see how highly you can score, however this can become boring and repetitive after a while.
overall first light was a enjoyable game, and I would recommend to anyone who's a fan of the series or enjoys story base games.

although being a relatively short and simple game, 'a short hike' I instantly fell in love with this game and it's ended up one of my favourites, so much so, only 2 hours in I went back to steam and bought it again for my friend so they could also experience this beautifully crafted game.
you play as Claire, a bird, with the task of reaching the top of the mountain in order to try and find some phone reception. through this journey you get to explore the rest of the world through its unique and gorgeous art style, all the while complete other smaller quests, accompanied by a beautiful soundtrack.
for any fans of 'cozy games' or someone just looking for a relaxing simple game and escapism, I cannot recommend 'a short hike' enough!