4 reviews liked by Lefinx

This game has ruined my friends and I will not let it ruin myself too.

I originally planned on not rating this but after seeing the ratings I really gotta do my part here!

It's really short and really sweet and really fills its little space with actually a lot of vibes and emotions. This game really benefits from its brevity and I love it for sticking with that! It's like that one moment three summers ago you suddenly remember and then it's gone again and you're just left feeling a little nostalgic, a little sad and a little like you remembered a home you once belonged in again.

Enchanted: Once Upon Andalasia for Game Boy Advance is a fairly dull platforming experience. The game was alright at the beginning, but got pretty boring by the end. Also, those chasing levels totally suck. The graphics look decent, though I'm not really a fan of how Giselle animates, like when she ducks she looks like she shrunk in height, I dunno. And some speaking characters during dialogue, some characters have unnatural mouth movement. The music is alright, it's probably just not my preferred style of music (actually, upon closer inspection I quite enjoy some of the music tracks). One praise I can give is some humorous dialogue, but that's about it. A pretty unremarkable late licensed game for the ol' GBA. The game is more interesting for the fact that it's a prequel to the movie without a movie prequel, and not for the game itself being good.

I never knew about the Lebensborn program before playing this game, so it was a valuable educational experience for me on that front. Essentially a resource management game where you have take care of your adopted child, whose biological father was a Nazi, in post-WWII Norway. The social situations that come up in this game will tug at your heartstrings as you try to take care of this kid. I'm glad this game exists, as we should never forget these historical events, and how they shape the societies and individuals around them.

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