6 Reviews liked by Lego_Anakin

"There is no such thing as Art for everyone" said suda51 as a way to explain what the fuck he just made

They call it SMT 4 because it’s SMT 4 people who get no bitches and stack no paper

The second "Metroidvania" Castlevania game I touched, and boy howdy was it a good one. The map design was good, exploration was fun, and the wide variety of souls you got to augment your combat experience always kept things interesting. The bonus modes with more traditional Castlevania characters were a nice treat on top.

The only real marks against the game was the obligatory touchscreen gimmick with scrawling enemy seals, and the fact that with a game like this there's always going to be a pre-requisite amount of grinding for souls, and good golly are the droprates in this game at times outright terrible.

Play Aria first before jumping into this. Both are fantastic though.

There are so many raw quotes and beautiful moments at the end of this game that I could put into this review but nothing beats Wh1te saying "Gay men have some crazy hobbies" in response to Ocelot and Snake's duel on the plane.

The vibes are immaculate, the gameplay is weak.

It's a classic game. Even non Star Wars fans love this, it's just that good.