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26h 17m

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1 day

Last played

November 5, 2023

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__This is a review of all of the Fallout 3 DLC__
I liked the DLC overall, with some that missed and some that hit for me. While I don't think it was to the quality to Fallout NVs, it was still good. I also really liked how some parts of it were foreshadowed in the base game, like the Pitt and the Anchorage Simulation. Very solid package overall, my individual thoughts are below.

(Ranked from least favorite to most favorite)
5. [Mothership Zeta]: It was a close call between the bottom two add ons, but ultimately I think Mothership Zeta was my least favorite; it's a lot of long boring hallways and while it does have some cool moments, items, and ideas. I think it ruins them in execution with too many high health enemies and tight spaces. I do like the family dynamic of the crew though.

4. [Point Lookout]: I have a similar problem with Point Lookout that I do with Zeta. The tribals should not have the health of a dump truck, and neither should the swamp hicks. I went into all of the DLC (expect broken steel) without any of my base game gear, since I think a DLC should give you all the tools to beat it without outside help; point lookouts weapons were not up to snuff most of the time. I was putting magazines into the Swampfolk and Tribals and they were not going down. The combat really ruined my opinions on the DLC because I really liked the area, how some of the content carried over to the base game, and the fun B-movie esc story (the big punga is highlight). Still though, the stupid combat tarnished the otherwise good story.

3. [The Pitt]: I think the pit struck a good balance of difficulty and interesting story. The Pitt intrigued me with the concept of 'Troglidation' and all the encounters in the DLC felt fair and balanced. The final quest also really made me question if what I was doing was right, and I think it's resolution was a very good choice to make. Just a good DLC.

2. [Operation Anchorage]: I don't typically play Fallout for the combat, but for some odd reason I really like this combat focused adventure. Maybe it's the ability to see my home remade in fallout (albeit inaccurately), the good pacing of the missions, or the very good reward for the mission. I just generally enjoyed it. The DLC also taught me how to play Fallout on a controller, and through the lens of a tutorial, it's a very efficient one.

1. [Broken Steel]: On the one hand, I dislike how it cheapened the Lone Wanderer, and lessens one of my favorite parts of Fallout 3; on the other hand, it's very fun, the adventure takes you to new parts of the map, and does a wonderful job encouraging exploration. I really liked all of the missions, and seeing the wasteland change because of your actions was a really cool detail. I do wish some more things were changed, maybe a new Enclave leader, or if you didn't destroy Raven Rock, Eden would be in charge of the Crawler, but eh. I'm glad that this DLC exists in the first place.