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Some likable characters and funny moments but a lack of choices that matter apart from getting people infected, lack of an ending that gives characters closure, and ends up not knowing what to do with most of the cast by the halfway point.

A group of camp counselor are stuck in the area for one extra night after everyone else goes home and sees them facing off against a strange family of hunters and werewolves with some nods to 80s horror films. For the most part has a likable cast where even characters that aren't often portrayed in the best light get a moment or two to humanize them a bit. There are some funny moments, and the whole things feels like it has a bigger budget and more effort than the studio's Dark Picture series.

On one hand you can get everyone infected by werewolves and that can cause changes based on when they get infected or if and how they might get cured and where a character might end up at certain points of the story, which is great, but in focusing on that there is a lack of choices and interactions that tend to matter and the survival or infection of character is typically just coming down to whether or not you hit or missed a QTE event as opposed to finding items, a build up of choices over time, or how the relationships between characters grow or change based on things you do or say. It does the Telltale style "this character respects this," "this character is disappointed," "this character is excited over this," etc and I'm pretty sure there is only one time where any of that ends up meaning anything and it pretty much amounts to did you upset the guy by shooting him or not which is a bit more obvious than the guy you will never see again being sad that you eavesdropped on his phone call.

Actually has a character you meet in between chapter that serves as a kind of narrator and confidant to the player that actually has a role in the story and tries to influence your decisions to the path she wants as opposed to the Robert Patrick looking curator of The Dark Pictures games who contributes nothing but wasted time as far as I can tell from the ones I've played. Lance Henriksen had no reason to be in the game, as his character says almost nothing and does even less. Jedediah could have been played by anyone or removed from the game entirely with no effect. The entire Hackett family, save for one member, all could have used more time in the game, more so for the ones you could have met in camp earlier on.

The ending sections of the game lack any real excitement or extended action for this type of story and it all ends too abruptly, ending the threat with no closure. Even the playable cast is half full of characters who just fall out of the story halfway through the game and contribute nothing. Even some of the more main characters end up not doing anything that really matters in the last two or three chapters. There's really a feel of, "oh you didn't fail the QTEs and get people killed or infected and written out of the game, well then I guess they just wait in the basement, sit in the woods for the last 1/3 of the game and do nothing, follow another character around and contribute nothing." For some reason the game has no wrap up ending. Based on some very specific choices or letting certain people die you might get a kind of ending for two sets of characters but most people won't as those achievements both seemed to have around a 1% and 3.5% unlock percentage. If characters had multiple sections or backstory worried about what they will do with their lives next, family problems, wanting to save their infected boyfriend, relationship issues or choices none of that is getting solved or mentioned again. It's like if Die Hard immediately cut to credits as Hans Gruber was falling and you never had the scene where you got to see Officer Carl Winslow get over his holdup over using a gun again after accidentally killing a child by shooting the last gunman, allowing him to move on and continue his life as proper cop away from deskwork with a new mentality that will allow him to kill more kids with toy guns in the future. Except in The Quarry, there are like 5-8 people who probably could have used a bit of an epilogue based on your choices who never get any kind of choice made or character growth from their backstory. That might work in a horror movie where the entire cast is dead except one, two, or a very rare three people by the end but when there isn't much reason for anyone to die and even getting someone turned into a werewolf might just save them by the end it doesn't work well.

The developers are clearly intentionally designing their games to have no respect for their players. The Dark Pictures series was bad enough in that you can't skip scenes or conversations that you have seen before but The Quarry does not give you a chapter select until you beat the game, autosaves immediately after everything you do, gives you one save file while not even allowing you to go back to a previous chapter after you beat the game on a new file like the Dark Pictures games do but instead erasing everything that comes after, and going back to previous chapters wipes out your collectibles to the extent that even the achievements don't keep track of what you found. Then there is the ridiculously slow movement speed of characters and camera issues. There is no excuse for this with this being the fifth game they had made exactly in this same style.

Screenshots: https://twitter.com/Legolas_Katarn/status/1716203607568351279