This is the game that got me hooked on the Fallout series as a whole.

The world has a very lived in feel which, admittedly, is not what most people would consider to be very much a selling point for a post-apocalypse. But I think thats alright, New Vegas definitely knows it is different and plays to the strengths of its unique flavor of environment.

The many factions and endings may be simply a part of RPG's nowadays, but something I really do enjoy about New Vegas is how, for a large portion of quests, characters and factions, you get to hear how your actions affected them and how the Mojave Wasteland was changed. Right down to your Karma, the game represents one of the most complete and whole feelings of completion I have ever felt after I had completed every quest and go tot sit through a nice, long, montage of everything I had done.

The games writing in my humble opinion is quite strong, I wouldnt say its award winning but many lines and characters are memorable well after you finish the game. The story works for what it is and while it does keep you interested to its end, the real meat and potatoes of this game come from the stories surrounding your main questline rather then the events in the questline itself.

There is a large variety of builds and character types you can create. A personal favorite of mine being the Unarmed combat build. The game really does reward you for experimenting and trying new ways of accomplishing your goals on each play through.

If I would talk about flaws, I would point out that technically, it runs poorly and can crash very often without the right suite of mods installed. I also find that the games combat is never really difficult even on its highest setting with Hardcore mode enabled, This is only a bad thing if you like good challenges however, as raising the difficulty just turns enemies into damage sponges. Hardcore mode is also so irrelevant that you will likely forget you are playing on it until your status bar flashes red to inform you that you are tired/hungry/thirsty.

I hold this game in high regard, and I am likely to comeback to this review and update it with new thoughts as time progresses. I am not a number ratings guy but I understand that this site seems to have a fixation on it. I give it a 4/5 because it holds great sentimental value to me personally, and its open world, stories and characters are amazing.However, it has technical problems that can ruin your experience even if you do everything right, as well as lacking any truly difficult combat scenarios.

Reviewed on Sep 12, 2020
