Damn what a riiiiiide that was.

Killer7 is hands down one of the most unique and weird games I've played, and it is so in a very compelling way. Its borerline nonsensical at times plot-wise and has some game design flaws here and there, but it remains such a strong statement of «trying stuff and seeing what sticks» that it becomes eminently fascinating. It keeps this momentum going for a surprising amount of time as well without ever becoming the least bit tiresome.

Almost 20 years on, you'd be hardpressed to find something that even comes close to resembling Killer7, and that's quite a feat. It stands in a league of its own, and despite some minor hiccups, it quickly warmed up to being one of my favorite games of this edgy, mis-2000s era of games.

Very, very glad I gave this a shot.

In the name of Harman.

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2024
