Couldn't connect with this at all.

I played for an hour and the gameplay and sound were driving me mad. Sound is generally so badly mixed and annoying, and the gameplay keeps stepping on its own toes with ultra repetitive button mashing and obligatory finishers. The mission where you carry coconuts around for 2 and a half minutes, just to make money to be able to play the next level completely lost me.

It feels nowhere near as interesting, smart or tightly designed as Killer7 which came out before, and it's so misogynistic and dumb in an overt way, I couldn't be bothered to care.

I like gross and violent 2000s-era games just fine, but this, even if it's supposed to be tongue in cheek, just aged like premium quality 2% milk.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024



5 months ago


5 months ago

Hahaha why is that ? It felt congruent to my one star rating to me 😂