This game was an exercise in disappointment.

None of the trailers made me want to play it. Then the reviews came and it seemed like a great time. Now I'm about 20 hours in and I can't go on.

This has got to be one of the most puzzling experiences I've had playing a video game.

It starts out really strong and spectacular. The one thing the game has going for it is the quality of the action sequences and the jaw-dropping scale of them all. The story seems decent enough, and there's no anime grunts ?? What could go wrong ?

After about 15 hours of play, everything comes to an absolute flatline. The gameplay is insanely repetitive and simple. I Iove linear games, but this requires so little brain power that it's almost insulting to the player.

There also SO MANY CUTSCENES. This cuts especially deep since I love Metal Gear Solid ! I can get the argument for games to be cutscene heavy, but here it's more akin to Kingdom Hearts. They are utterly boring, slow, mostly devoid of any narrative substance and they happen every two steps you take. And then, to pace this out, you get the braindead gameplay.

I cannot believe the reviews this is getting. It's one of the most hollow experiences I have had with a game and, apart from the art, the music, and the (sometimes) simple fun of mashing the square button to beat down beasts, this is a complete failure.

Reviewed on Jul 07, 2023
