The long and short of it is that it's a pokemon roguelike, if the title didn't give it away. Gameplay is super addicting and the replayability is there with the amount of pokemon and RNG involved. I binged this game over the last 2+ weeks and got to near wave 3000 of endless and completed probably a dozen classic runs.
I'd say play it but consider holding off as so many things need to be implemented still and it's somewhat of a buggy mess. Endless mode becomes a chore after awhile, there needs to be more progression and mechanics to award players for runs and successes, and the devs need to continue their hard work keeping the servers alive (why is this a browser game???) and rolling out more updates and features. I'm a sucker for pokemon so I like this a lot, and I can see myself coming back later on once it's more fleshed out and cleanly implemented.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
