Played on the 3DS Virtual Console (several times), the GameCube version of Mega Man Anniversary Collection, a real NES, Wily Wars, and the 3DS/Switch versions of Mega Man Legacy Collection (several times each). It's safe to say I like MM1 very much, and for all its flaws, I think it's a way better game than people say it is.

In the beginning, Capcom gave the Blue Bomber a buster and the ability to jump, then left it at that. You'd think this would make for a shallow experience compared to later entries, which introduce mechanics like sliding and charge shots, but MM1 doesn't need those; everything here is centered around making well-timed jumps and shooting at just the right moment, and once you get the rhythm of things down it can be incredibly fun. Many enemies go down in one hit, but are typically placed in tricky spots, so it's more of a matter of precision than spamming your attacks, and that's something I think this game did very well right off the bat. The stage select combined with the special weapons add a lot of replay value to the game, seeing which weapons have unexpected usefulness in certain places and switching up your route based around your arsenal. And on a side note, the music is incredibly catchy and establishes a sound that the series would retain for decades to come.

Yes, this game has its negatives as well, it can be hard to look past them depending on which game was your entry point for the series. The Robot Master fights, while exciting and arguably the highlight of the game, deal way too much damage, leaving you little chance to learn their attack patterns before they drain your extra lives. Their weapons are also incredibly unbalanced; the most powerful ones use barely any ammo at all, and the less useful ones have little utility outside of acting as a boss's weak point. This, along with level design that recycles rooms often and sabotages first-time players makes for a game that's fairly unfriendly to beginners. There's something to be said for how easy it can be for someone to lose sight of a game's flaws the more they play it, but even I can't call MM1 perfect. By the way, you lose your progress when shutting off the game, so uh, don't do that, please.

Is the original Mega Man fun? Yes, it can be if you've got the patience for it. Has it held up compared the other ones? Not so much, the old school jank here is a bit high. Would I recommend it as a starting point? Absolutely not, this game will kick your ass if you don't know what you're doing. You're much better off starting with the easier modes of Mega Man 10 or 11, as those games prioritize accommodating newcomers. All in all, Mega Man's franchise debut is my guiltiest pleasure, but it's one that I think you should try if you're up to the challenge.

Reviewed on Jun 29, 2024
