Starfield is a plate of non-descript beige carbohydrates in video game form. I was looking forward to delving into another Bethesda game world, which have always gripped me instantly and have kept me engrossed for many dozens of hours over a number of titles. Sadly, the same cannot be said for Starfield.

I'm not sure what went wrong here, but I've never had a duller opening 15 hours to a game in my two decades of gaming. I disagree strongly with the notion that a game that takes 10-15 hours to 'get good' (it doesn't by the way, having sank 60 hours in since early access) can be lauded as a masterpiece or the game of a generation or honestly even a 10/10 game - which is a sentiment I've seen a number of times already. Some of the best games of all time are beatable in less time than this game supposedly takes to finally become enjoyable.

I won't discuss and critique the shallow RPG mechanics, or boring main story, or floaty combat and brain-dead AI, or the frankly astounding number of loading screens and laughably bad space flight / combat and overall exploration, or the ugly character models and general colour palate, because honestly I don't feel like wasting anymore of my time on it.

I'm glad people are enjoying this title, this is what video games are all about - and if someone is able to get immersed and appreciate this game for all its perceived qualities then that's great. I just don't count among that number.

Reviewed on Sep 06, 2023
