In terms of story, I think this is a pretty good follow-up to the first game. The mystery of this game is definitely much more interesting than the last, and although the reveal itself is cool, the climax of it all feels a little underwhelming given how it's all just a long info dump until the ending sequence starts. And while I do like the story overall, the chapters themselves are all over the place. I can't say I fully enjoyed anything before Chapter 5, and even though I like Chapter 4 the only section I liked was the trial and the one where you play as Komaed since it's really entertaining.

The gameplay is where it really flops though. Trials are longer than before, and the minigames that take place in between discussions are all unfun. I only really liked Logic Dive, but other than that they all felt boring to play.

As a whole, I find this game to be pretty mediocre. The ending is cool and all, but it isn't enough to redeem the overall experience.

Reviewed on Nov 03, 2021
