This DLC fills a gap in the gameplay loop of the main game and should've been there from the beginning. Imo this DLC + the 2.0. edition of the main game as one package would've been a worthy successor to New Leaf. But as it stands right now, it's all a little too late to keep me invested in the game long term. It's very fun while it lasts tho.

I actually have only one big problem with this: Reaching the 30 completed interior designs necessary to "complete" the DLC gets a little tedious, sadly, because the themes you get are just so similiar to each other. There are a lot of requests just asking for design themed around sea or plants or the vague word 'relaxation' where you kinda get the same furniture to design them with. It's helpful you can pick between five different requests because, especially after 20 designs or so, like 3 of them are something you already kinda did - which can get very boring if you are forced to do them (which I was three times).

There are some very fun themes tho, and the designing process is a blast, especially after unlocking all the tools the game adds to the editor. On that front, they really outdid themselves: everything is easy to use, intuitive and you have all the features you could possibly want - except being able to decorate partition walls, please, let me decorate partition walls. The story this time around is also very cute.

Reviewed on Nov 23, 2021
