I just played a 120 hour JRPG twice in a row. I loved it even more the second time, but I'm also much more frustrated by its shortcomings.

The characters are great, the gameplay is fun, there is a ton of creativity in the dungeons, but I can't get over how lackluster the story is. Nothing about its themes are profound or interesting (despite how obnoxiously it tries towards the end), for a story all about cognition, it feels like that idea is never fully utilized, there is 0 tension because of how repetitive each palace is, the ending of the base game is awful, and the Royal exclusive content is an okay epilogue instead of a revised story.

The first 100 hours are excellent, but then the storytelling falls off a cliff. For some people that might be enough, but for me, there are too many cracks, and it inevitably breaks under it all.

Reviewed on Aug 18, 2020
