Very fun scrolling shooter with then-unique competitive 1v1 gameplay,. I love the little things that make up this game. Cute character designs with classic 90s style, excellent music overall, and overall a cool atmosphere. The charge system is basic but neat way to give control to the gameplay.

Only thing that sorta bothers me is how the character designs can feel derivative of Puyo Puyo. The inspiration is obvious for some of the characters. But I still like them.

Reviewed on Oct 06, 2022


1 year ago

I don't see the Puyo Puyo inspiration in the character design beyond it being cute.

1 year ago

@HylianBran I'll try to explain what I was thinking, so unlike other competitive puzzle games with cute characters that followed Puyo Puyo, TSS had some characters who were thematically similar to Puyo Puyo's (though not necessarily visualy):

Ran - Arle ; snarky adventurous girl
Cabit - Carbuncle ; cute mascot sidekick position
Really Till - Draco ; dragon themed rival with glamorous aspirations (idol singer and beauty contests, respectively)
Arthur Schmitt - Schezo Wegey ; headband weirdo with
Mevious - Satan ; the most glaring similarity, goofy green-haired villain

Not every character has a clear inspiration from Puyo, but speaking of which, when the Puyo series went to Sega and changed to a more pop art style, TSS followed suit in the sequel La Petite Princess. Which is the other reason why I think TSS was paying particular attention to Arle's series.

If you don't see it, that's fine, it just made sense in my mind when I wrote the review.