I asked my mom for call of duty what the hell is this

At no point in human history has anyone uttered any of the following phrases
- "Man, I could really go for some Stacker right now!"
- "I'm having so much fun Stackering these blocks! no wonder it costs so much to play!"
- "Skee-ball? Time Crisis? No thanks! I want to make a skill-based transaction that amounts to me paying 1 dollar for a Pez dispenser!"
NO ONE would rather be playing Stacker. There is no video game as conceptually unfun as stacker. This is the definition of a 1 out of 10. No corners were cut, no graphics or glitches, no poor writing, no ironic value.
The Stacker experience is the machinations of misery knowingly endorsed and enabled by LAI Games, and carried out by the hands of an unseen, faceless operator.

the only game bold enough to ask the question, "what if mega man was racist"

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FACT: 90% of Eternights players stop holding the hand right before they're about to unlock the secret best ending.

This time it actually seems like it was a real case concept for the main game that was squished into a 45 minute dlc, as evidenced by the loose implements that either come into play out of nowhere (sleeping pills, outer view from veranda, Halara talking to animals) or go nowhere (the servant, sleeping pills being added to the meal the servant made without anyone noticing).
Once again, there's a minimal amount of new assets made for it, only having a single room to investigate, and even the two named and voiced npcs use generic models.
Unfortunately the minuscule format of these dlcs means they're just not able to go into any significant detail on anything like the main game could, and ends up feeling like another half assed mystery only concerned with ending at the 45 minute mark.

this is the true no more heroes successor in that it's inexplicably greater than the sum of its parts

Underdeveloped plot, underused characters, little to no chemistry between characters, (c/h)orny aah writing, questionable combat balancing, unsatisfying endings, forgettable music, and an artstyle that made me and others question if everyone was modeled and designed in Koikatsu Party...
but damn,
it was a blast to stream in vc with 5+ people. I'm glad I preordered, it was exactly what I was hoping for. I'll be first in line if there's DLC.

This game is truly sickening, evoking a visceral sense of repulsion and disbelief. It pushes the boundaries of acceptability to such an extent that it leaves one questioning the depths of human creativity and moral sensibility. It's difficult to fathom how a concept like this could originate, let alone be transformed into a fully-fledged video game. Upon delving into the game's content, one is confronted with a nightmarish landscape of depravity and grotesquery. It's a world where the boundaries between right and wrong, decency and obscenity, have been obliterated. The very premise of the game seems like a descent into the darkest recesses of the human psyche, exploring themes and scenarios that are more disturbing than anything one could imagine. The creators behind this game must possess an unsettling blend of imagination and audacity, as they've managed to craft a virtual realm that defies conventional norms and societal standards. They've essentially constructed a macabre playground for the most twisted and perverse aspects of the human condition. While some may argue that artistic freedom should know no bounds, there comes a point where the line between art and moral degradation becomes perilously thin. This game tests those limits, forcing us to grapple with uncomfortable questions about the nature of entertainment, the responsibility of creators, and the potential harm such content may inflict on impressionable minds. This work stands as a stark reminder of the extremes that can be reached in the world of video games, challenging our perceptions and moral compass. It's a disturbing journey into the abyss of human creativity, leaving us to ponder the consequences of pushing the boundaries of acceptability in the name of artistic expression.

I hate racing games so fucking much

it's a great way to stay in shape!

they sidelined fubuki in her own god damn dlc
like the first dlc, the mystery sucks, and it's basically a cutscene. but at least this time there were more than 2 new assets made, one being an actually new location.

how is this their first 3d platformer

I played this all the time as a kid but never got to the moon since I was shit at video games. The choice to have the phone and skating controls independent from each other is amazing. I love gaming while I'm gaming. There's absolutely nothing in the world like this game.

perfect stride never

No wonder no one made a crack of this it's kinda ass
Desuhiko was already the worst character in the game (with his weak dub performance not helping imo), but this time there's no one to apply the brakes to his unfunny one-dimensional train of thought.
Storyline is unimpressive, no mystery, little to no gameplay/interaction, only new visuals are two character models, didn't make me laugh, and he makes a pass at two unsupervised children.

only real complaints are the story being scarce and the lack of a map (likely to come in an update, as hinted by the UI).
the platforming bangs real good and it's a steal at 6 dollars