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0h 17m

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1 day

Last played

January 12, 2024

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US Saturn Release #005 - Pebble Beach Golf Links

Played on a real American Sega Saturn with the Fenrir ODE

Not a sports guy. If you're looking at the lower score and questioning it, it's because this is not my kind of thing, not that this is a bad golf game. From the little I played today, I can confidently say that there's plenty here to get attached to if you're a big golf guy. It's also relatively inviting for beginners like myself, so it's easy to jump into.

My only major critique is that this game is very unattractive visuals-wise. I'm certain the Saturn can produce better visuals for a golf game than this. Maybe this also being a 3DO game means that they tried to directly port visuals and gameplay to the Saturn to cut down on time, but I haven't looked at 3DO footage so I don't know.

I will say, the most entertaining part was the cutscenes/FMVs. If you have an ODE or a computer that can run Saturn emulation well, I recommend grabbing a ROM of this and just watching them. It's really entertaining.

So if you're into golf, I say give it a shot. If you're like me and don't really gravitate towards sports titles often, it's reasonable to skip. My score likely will not reflect your score, so give it a go if it really interests you.
