19 reviews liked by LilSwampAss

this game has the best ending theme ever made

This game is so good, it got a 100-minute ad dedicated to it.

who the fuck in new york names their daughter fray

Probably the greatest value in gaming history, next to The Orange Box. Nothing to say, it's just a bunch of some of the greatest games ever created on 1 cart

I was off my rocker when I reviewed the DKC games before, I was trying to be objective and rate things based off of how much I enjoyed them while also keeping in mind how good the actual game is in itself. I realise how stupid that is now, my personal enjoyment is paramount, all 5 DKC games are masterpieces.

This game is goofy as all hell, but man I love it. Didn't get into the first one much as a kid, but devoured this in a big bad way. The game show questions at the end of "Jim is now a Blind Cave Salamander" were particularly hilarious.

I've played this game more than any other person. If you actually know what the hell you're doing you can finish it in 30 minutes. I've grown to unironically enjoy this game to the point where, if I don't know what to do, I'll just fire it up and blast through it. Yes, it sucks, but that won't stop me from loving it.

Great shot! Right down the middle!

Honestly anything that gives me more Wallace Wells is objectively good

he souldnt have dated that child

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