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Time Played

0h 35m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 26, 2023


Sonic the Hedgehog is pretty good. In general, it's still very fun and playable despite its many faults. Though, if you're going into it with future games in mind, you might be a little disappointed.

A lot of my opinions are pretty common. Green Hill is a fantastic first level. Marble and Labrinth, while not horrible, completely fail as Sonic levels and prove that "breather levels" are unnecessary. Spring Yard and Starlight are pretty fun but not Green Hill levels of good. Scrap Brain is a pain but it's not dogshit or anything, it's just kind of mediocre.

Special stages are kind of a mixed bag I'd say. I think in general, they get a lot of shit they don't completely deserve. I think they are pretty fine, it's just that they're really jarring on first play. They are very manageable once you get to understand what everything does. My main criticism is that it's very easy for you to plummet into a goal sphere when trying to press forward through the stage. You gotta really take it slow, but that's easier said than done. Either way, they're not horrible, and you get plenty of chances to get through them (though I wish you could get to the special stages in Scrap Brain).

Of course, the game is so fun because of the physics. I personally don't get many opportunities to fully exploit the physics system, but I know there's tons of little tricks you can do to get around things and to skip annoying parts. And when I do get to utilize it, I really enjoy it.

Very flawed but not a horrible time. There's plenty of fun to be had even if this game is very quickly overshadowed.
