I feel like this game is a step up from most of what's been released up to this point, but it's still very flawed and kind of hard to enjoy at points. My biggest issue is how slippery controlling Alex can be. Precise platforming is extremely difficult to do, compared to something like Super Mario Bros, where it's much easier to make precise jumps. I just feel like I have much less control over where Alex is going, and I always slip off edges when I do land. Another issue that really bothers me is the Janken matches. I just think it's a terrible idea to make rock paper scissors be many of your boss fights. It hardly feels like I'm expressing any sort of skill when I win, and I usually lose out of pure unluckiness rather than lack of skill. Of course, having Alex die after the match is also pretty confusing and frustrating. I have a lot of smaller, more level-specific or mechanic-specific gripes, but those are the two most bothersome in my opinion, as they affect the game as a whole.

Besides those issues, I should commend the game for basically being the Super Mario Bros. of the console at this time. I just haven't really seen anything like this yet on the console and I really think Sega did well trying to make something similar to Mario (yet different in its own ways of course, just replicating the main gameplay). Overall I'd say I think this game is ok. It has it's moments but has plenty of flaws holding it back form being truly excellent in any way.

Reviewed on May 29, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

*the janken matches aren't actually randomized but still good review