✔️ Tested on Steam Deck, works fine (31/10/2022). 'A' button for advancing text and touchscreen to browse menu and choices. For keyboard inputs use the Steam + 'X' button shortcut.



✔️ Steam Deck compatibility verified by Steam. I recommend using the touchscreen to play since touchpad can be a bit uncomfortable.

Cute art and good OST, good puzzles in general but definitely not an overall relaxing game since some of the puzzles you have to solve have a time limit or require you to be fast on reflexes. Also, sometimes I found difficult to guess what the game was asking me to do to advance in the story, even with the help of the journal hints, but nothing that can't be solved with a bit of trial and error.

Missed more variety on puzzle's shape from the first one, but this one has some narrative that gives more meaning to the puzzles.

It's quite a bit simple and gameplay feels too repetitive after the first set of quests but it's really fun and full of funny puns and references and I enjoyed it a lot.

Looking forward to annoy my friend to play the second one in local coop.

Cute and short game for a relaxing afternoon at home <3

Good game as usual in the series, but I found puzzles way easier than in the 3rd one. Also, having to be entering-leaving the rooms with that animation 24/7 gets a bit annoying after a few hours. Intuitive puzzles with lots of variety, but some of them kinda repetitive or easy to solve since they are so similar to previous games.

I enjoyed it anyway, still be pretty satisfactory when everything 'clicks' and puzzles get solved and you advance to the next step.

Good game with good art, although camera management feels a bit uncomfortable sometimes. Narrative doesn't remind you at all to take additional photos so I felt a bit lost at the beggining about all those 16 photos available per chapter.

As a fairy tale it's decent (it's basically a Red Riding Hood retelling), as a more mature story it lacks depth and the character development is too fast for the couple of days most of the routes cover.

I liked the cute details in the UI a lot!

Very, very short in comparison to Seasons.

I really wanted to like it because the art is pretty good and the story is not the worst I've read, but the bad English translation makes it really difficult to enjoy the game.

Would definitely revisit it (and this review) if it got a better translation (or if I'm able to learn Chinese fast enough!)

This review contains spoilers

Dull af even for a nukige and some of the girls actions (specially Sachi) don't match at all the personality the MC says they have in some parts of the VN. For example, Sachi is described as an extremely shy girl that is supposed to be slowly discovering her sexuality with the MC but the girl goes and gives the MC, a completely stranger for her in that moment, a blowjob at the very beginning of the story?? Doesn't make any sense (for me at least).

The art is decent tho and 100% uncensored but the lack of voice acting makes the H-scenes look more plain. Only worth buying this on sale imo.


Honestly, it's better than a lot of 'paid' VNs I've read so far. Give it a try. Steam achievements were a bit buggy tho.

The story is really difficult to follow due to bad English translation but the art is cool I guess.

Way less slow than the previous chapters and also the dark atmosphere it creates felt really tense and confusing at times, I liked it.

A short vn with 3 different endings. Don't expect anything too deep, it's just good to kill some time (1-2 hours). I hated the male character so much because his personality and way of flirting are so cliché... :_( Art is really cute tho.