1 review liked by Lillium

Barren and poorly designed live service made by spineless, wishy-washy cowards who fired an artist over tweets advocating for basic human rights and completely jeopardized their tie-in comic by immediately cutting contact with an artist who dared to ask for a reasonable schedule. The writing to these games has always been a bit non-committal, but the fact this company that supposedly muses about the dangers of prioritizing results over processes and the obsession with capital comes out so strongly on the side they're supposedly opposing is simply pathetic. They are quite literally contributing to the Evil State they supposedly hate. They didn't even translate the announcements to japanese or english like they always do because they know this won't go down well.
The sheer gall to co-opt and regurgitate the work of dozens of counter-culture authors who stood their ground against their respective systems and vapidly deploy it here, when it's clear you don't believe in it, just baffles me.

Don't bother.