Although this game and its PSP sequels never released outside of Japan, there is a fantranslation available for all three. Shoutouts to Geoff Embree. (aka Cavespeak/Pokeytax)
This is a solid game with mechanics similar to Etrian Odyssey, but I can't in full conscience recommend the postgame dungeon unless you're a difficulty loving masochist.

As of writing this, I have yet to complete the postgame.
While I wouldn't say that the game has nothing going for it, I definitely wouldn't recommend it. Between the slow and frequent combat that serves as little more than padding for the frankly small amount of dialogue, as well as the "motivation" mechanic which by itself raises the game's age rating to Mature (17+) - I can't really say I would even recommend it to a close friend.
While I did like the story, it unfortunately came at the price of my own discomfort.

If you're fine with persevering through the moderate barrier of entry for an "okay at best" game, then by all means, give it a try.

A musou game developed by people who didn't understand musou.
Despite the game's repetitive way of telling its storyline and combat which felt like a lot of lazy copying and pasting, I found the story enjoyable enough due to prior investment via Fate/Extra and/or CCC.
I would only recommend this to people who are hardcore fans of Fate, as this game is Altera's intended debut story. (A bit of trivia; Although Extella was supposed to release first, Altera appeared in FGO first due to scheduling mishaps.)

This game is a massive improvement over The Umbral Star overall in terms of gameplay, mechanics, and map design- however, I did not find the story nearly as impactful despite the improvement of not having to do essentially the same campaign copy pasted four times.
A big plus is that the game doesn't overstay its welcome.
If you like Fate and musou games, this game has plenty of content and fanservice to sink your teeth into.
Probably also one of the very few games you can play as Francis Drake.