I went into this game with high hopes of being deeply moved, and in that regard, it certainly delivered. However, there were certain aspects of the game that left me somewhat underwhelmed.

Let's start with the dialogue. I understand that putting quirky humor into a heavy narrative can be effective, but in this case, the writing often felt forced and cringe-worthy. It seemed like they were trying too hard to insert humor into every situation, resulting in unnatural and contrived dialogue.

Moving on to the gameplay, or rather, the lack thereof. The game offers only one puzzle to solve throughout its entirety that it starts to feel repetitive. It felt like going through the motions without any genuine engagement or challenge. Additionally, the introduction of gameplay mechanics towards the end felt awkwardly implemented and didn't blend well with the rest of the experience.

Now, about the ending... Initially, it felt romantic and heartwarming, evoking the emotional response I had hoped for. However, upon further reflection, it left me with a bitter aftertaste. The more I contemplated it, the more I found it disturbing. It's one of those situations where the initial impact masks deeper implications that honestly left me feeling uneasy.

That being said, To The Moon does have its strengths. The storytelling is incredibly poignant, and the exploration of themes such as regret and the human condition is truly moving. I did shed a tear or two while playing. However, when considering the overall package, the flaws I mentioned earlier cannot be overlooked.

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2023
