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While the Iron’s Hot
While the Iron’s Hot

Dec 12

Puzzle Bobble Everybubble!
Puzzle Bobble Everybubble!

Aug 03

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Enjoyed the gameplay and graphics style of the game overall. I'm a sucker for a crafting and questing game. I did like the initial progression of things that unlock and perks you get as you level but later game it was a blend of either, way too pain in the butt to get a ton of lower tier materials for use in end game crafts.

I never actually ended up fulfilling any bounties at the last area. The potion section really went over my head so I actually never made or used any I had.

While I liked rebuilding the town as a concept there wasn't a crazy amount of benefits or use in my opinion. It became a place I made initial buildings and didn't feel they needed upgrades because I was already at the end of the game.

I loved that we did get a simple way to mass craft small metal pieces about mid-game, it was right when the grind would have broken the spirit and will to play. BUT, I terribly wish they gave a way other than single clicking to up that number. A blank number entry or a way to say "up it by 5s or 10s" because clicking 100 times per pieces was still tedious.

There are quite a few quests I wanted a little more explanation, but I was able to figure them out pretty quick. What I majorly wanted was that when you walk into town, who in the world knows what town it is. I'd love the name to pop up or be somewhere.

Originally found as a garage sale CD in a stack of them in the early 2000's and as a long lover of puzzle games and a mother who loved Bejeweled this became a staple VS game for us.

Got it because I had the older PC version that I grew up playing with my mom and we both loved it.

I kinda wish they did have more, like more levels. It's everything I like about Puzzle Bobble but I hate the loading screens. I feel like a game so simple and should not have to load for so long!

At the time I never knew Bubble Bobble was a...thing. It's always been Puzzle Bobble to me.