CotL is a great rogue-like/town management game, although a little light on the management side.

Aesthetically, this is on another level. The occult elements are hella fun to play with especially when you name your lil cultists.

I had two cultists named after our cats (Mr. Kitty and Katsu) and Mr. Kitty always requested me to fuck with Katsu which was hilarious. From making her eat shit to locking her up in prison, the in-game Mr. Kitty seemed like he wanted to acquire revenge for all the time IRL Mr. Kitty was bullied by Katsu 🤣

Anyways, that really added a ton to the management side to me. Besides the personal names, setting up your cult and completing tasks was fun, through it did start to wear out its welcome at the end of the game, personally, whenever everything was unlocked.

As for the rogue-like side, it's pretty solid! I played on hard and it was the perfect difficulty as someone who plays this genre a bit. My main complaint was late-game weapon unlocks were powerful, but slow. This is an issue as late-game enemies are powerful AND fast, so that felt a little misaligned.

Regardless, this game is a HARD recommend for me. Something this unique needs to be played and seen more. I hope this game receives a sequel as there's still untapped potential for the future.

Reviewed on Dec 09, 2023
