Log Status






Time Played

10h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 29, 2023

First played

November 24, 2023

Platforms Played


If only there were some sort of gameplay loop to really get hooked into this game could move up to being truly amazing. As a skater, to not even remotely be pulled in by the skating missions is a bummer. I did enjoy the cooking in small doses and the RPG combat isn't that bad. Maybe I just got lucky but it felt like a lot of the bosses weaknesses were actually appropriate and therefore it wasn't just a guessing game.

The story is what you're here for and it's great. The writing and acting are really outstanding. It's maybe the only game I've played that's really about women from their own perspective and without constantly telling you about it. It all feels so natural. The only complaint I have is why do these people in their 20 give a damn about their middle school and high school exes? Does anyone in real life take those seriously? Just makes it hard to care in a few of the relationships.