4 reviews liked by LiveAnipse

I love watching pikmins fooling around in the short cutscenes throughout the game <3

The haters are wrong, this game goes crazy.

Really steps down in some major areas compared to its predecessor. The more strategic design of the combat that requires you to actually keep your characters' HP up is replaced with a pretty standard RPG. It's servicable, and its worlds are fun to explore, and there's nothing wrong with the combat. It's just nothing special. I can at least say that it does have semblance to the previous game in terms of taking its gameplay in a new direction, and exploring the new worlds is the highlight of the game for me.

Finally. Rabbid Rosalina have only appeared in this one game. But if anything happened to her, I would kill everyone in the galaxy and then myself.

En vrai… c’était bien pour l’époque, les classes étaient cools, j’me rappelle je jouais Prêtre, j’étais vraiment à propos d’ce soin… y avait un sort qui transformait en corbeau c’était cool

Les classes les races tout était cool juste le système de craft était… particulier…