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This game was busted and sucked at the beginning where I just didn’t touched the game again till recently.
I can firmly say the game is pretty peachy now after some needed mechanic additions, move sets, and other balancing.
It’s a neutral heavy game and can straight up get got in two combos easily, like Samurai Shodown level of cut throat it can be. For beginning players, just get adjusted to the game’s core mechanics and STRONGLY recommend the mission game mode. Arc System for the most part been so informative in their tutorials where it’s just as good here if not their best.
The tower system is very cool and makes for less frustration for online sessions in comparison to other fighting games out there rn like the traditional rank ladder climbs. Kinda stinks when you’re in the groove and wanting to match up with a player again, but can’t because they or you went up a floor…
Primarily not getting the 9 or 10/10 as the narrative is just “aight” and single player content just isn’t there compared to BBCF, +R, etc.