16 reviews liked by Llovely_Llama

inspired me to leave my family behind on a mission for milk

i want villagers to tell me to kms

Combines two indie games I really like into something that's a solid proof of concept and some good fun for the short seven levels it has. The dev is trying to work this into a full original game called Shootout Inc but that's been in dev hell for a couple of years.

Of course it's a bit rough, lack of ammo display, minimal polish and aiming not being entirely accurate with the reticle. Also the music and presentation is a little bland so I had to play some Hotline Miami tracks to spice it up

Marvel VS Capcom 2 is the absolute pinnacle of everything the VS Capcom series has done up to this point.
It indulges in the insanity and the sheer chaos, and with the game having 56 playable characters, thanks to the reusage of a shit-ton of assests, it hammers that point home.

It brings back the Variable Assist feature of Marvel Super Heroes VS Street Fighter and then some, providing players with three options as to what type of attack they want the summoned character to do, and this provides a lot of variety to the game.

Yes, it's a poorly balanced roster, but I don't give a fuck, it's such an easy game to pick up and play, and I'm having a bunch of fun all the way through!

Coupled that with the game's amazing jazzy soundtrack (which, being a jazz fan, makes me very happy) and the mixture of 2D sprites and 3D background models, which has aged quite well, I'd say, and you've got yourself one of the greatest fighting games of all time!

Please Capcom, negotiate with Marvel to re-release these games on consoles.

Fun little beat-em up experince. I fw the turtles. Glad it was "free" tho, cuz it is really short. Don't mind, cuz it is just a beat-em up, but y'know. Regardless, it was a fun time.

The virgin egoraptor castlevania 4 whip's hater vs the chad castlevania 4 whip's appreciator

One of the most underrated games on the switch. Combat is some of the most fun I've ever played in the action genre. Story falls a little flat, but it makes up for it with the extreme amount of depth and nuance in its action combat.

Devil May Cry is a game where the time period it was released in is just as important as the game itself. It not only defined the character-driven hack 'n' slash genre but also laid the foundation for every game that would draw inspiration from it. You don’t get a game like God of War or Bayonetta without Devil May Cry.

Certain aspects of the game, like the camera, can suck ass, and the game’s combat has been surpassed countless times at this point. However, I don’t let that diminish how great of a game this is. It still provides me with an experience that’s completely unique. Take, for instance, the introduction to Dante. He doesn’t have a lot of dialogue, but he becomes instantly iconic with just the way he carries himself. The haunted castle maintains an eerie atmosphere, unmatched in its unsettling ambiance. This is complemented by the amazing '90s to early 2000s influenced hard rock soundtrack. The horror atmosphere blends in so perfectly, clearly wearing its Resident Evil roots on its sleeve.

There is beauty in Devil May Cry’s simplicity. It exudes early 2000s charm and remains one of the most well-paced and rewarding hack 'n' slash games out there despite it all

Half a star for changing my beloved dialogues and Alucard voice -.- all my hype shut down the moment I didn't hear "Die monster you don't belong in this world"

Imagine attack on titan, but with no Sasha and potatoes.