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Game good.

Story starts fine, but picks up by part 2 and the extra endings ties things up very nicely. I do think that ending C is kinda pointless as an extra ending after B, but it's inoffensive since it's an extra maybe 2hrs by that point lol. I also think the endings should be presented more like a new game +, but again, it's whatever.
I understand the game 'changes genre' on purpose, and it is cool and all, but I personally just don't really like that.
Themes and characters are all pretty neat, scaling from 'pretty neat' to 'pretty dang cool'.
The music carries the game for me, since most of the world and game aspects just don't really connect with me. That's not to say the world's bad, I just don't connect with it for what it's worth. I think it's bc the side quests all kinda suck lol, they're by FAR the biggest problem I have with the game.

7/10, maybe 7.5.
tl:dr, I understand the craze behind it, being a 'classic' and all, but I just don't connect with it as much as everyone else does apparently. Music bussin' tho

Reviewed on Jul 11, 2023
