starting this off by saying that i can't speak on it's similarities to doom 2016, given that i still haven't played it.
i absolutely love doom eternal, and i also hate so many parts of it. the actual combat feels amazing and fluid, the guns are great and i like the weapon mod system. the enemies feel like good extensions of the enemy ideas from classic doom, the graphics are great and the world looks incredible. some of the best looking architecture and levels that i've seen in a long time. sound design is satisfying and the music is genuinely a contender for best video game soundtrack of all time.
it isn't all positives though. i don't think the movement in doom eternal is good enough to warrant the amount of first person platforming it requires you to do here. i had more deaths to falling off a platform/missing a jump than to any actual enemy encounters for the first almost half of the campaign. the story feels confusing and incoherent, while the devs still assume you understand it and tries to incorporate it into the game much more than they should imo.
the upgrade system with sentinel crystals, runes and the praetor suit is something i kind of despise, this might be something other people enjoy but other than using a few sentinel crystals, i didn't end up using any runes or praetor suit points at all, because i forgot soon after i was told to do so. this might be on me, but i just found the whole system to be unfun and immersion breaking. speaking of upgrades, even without them i still thought the game was relatively easy. i played through the game on the ultraviolence difficulty, and never really found myself struggling with any boss or arena. when nearing the last third or so of the game, i found the arenas to be more and more repetitive, and it really felt more like a slog to get to the next cool thing than a game that i was playing for fun. the multiplayer mode is something that i only tried out a couple times, and it seemed absurdly imbalanced in the favor of the doomslayer but maybe i'm just dogshit.
that's a lot of complaints, but i still really enjoyed most of my first playthrough. i doubt i will be revisiting this game, but i don't want to come across like the game is shit. i like it, i just have too many issues with it to give it a much higher score.
i haven't gotten all achievements, but i don't think i'm even going to try given how many multiplayer achievements are on there.

Reviewed on Jan 22, 2024
