i've sunk way too much time in this game.
good game, annoying players sometimes

played the game about four years back, i don't own it anymore so i don't remember that much but i think i liked this game? sort of? decent platforming and combat but i remember some of the puzzles seeming kind of pointless and just there to waste time. also i remember it was absurdly easy, like literally not a challenge at all. still really cool art though, so thats nice

chaotic physics based cooking game. i played this with one other person a couple times and got barely any cooking done, which sums up this game pretty well.
fun for an hour or so, gets old kinda fast.

difficult precision platformer with interesting mechanics, but much too short and unpolished to be replayable for me.
i've seen that there's a speedrun community around this, but i don't think it's my thing.

super janky and not very fun, but playable

incredible sandbox game, infinite possibility for things to do. shines in multiplayer, and the modding scene is massive. it's impossible to make a comprehensive written review for this game given the absolute scale of content there is. only reason i give it 4.5 instead of 5 is how mojang is kind of fucking it up with newer updates, but even with that it's still incredible. older versions are still available thankfully, so you can always go back to before the 1984 shit.
the original soundtrack by c418 is some of the best music in any video game ever, and the newer additions to the soundtrack are also good, though they do feel somewhat different.
art is simple yet effective, and sound design is great
movement and combat are simple but clean, and in terms of multiplayer pvp combat there is quite a bit of depth to it. i feel like i'm the odd man out in saying that i like the newer combat system introduced in the 1.9 update more than the older combat, but both are fine.
not much more that i can say about this game, it's massive and everyone knows about it.
ive probably spent way over two thousand hours on this game over various computers.
so many memories playing this game.

i don't know why i finished this 😭 i'm not even a sonic fan
the actual gameplay bits are kinda fun though
pretty short

kind of entirely worse in all gameplay measures than java edition, only rating it a 3 since i am blinded by nostalgia
almost everything it does is done by java edition better, and plenty of things are just much worse
still very fond of it though, despite the flaws

great game to mess around in.
i've seen some cool things people can do with this, but the extent i've experienced is a few stupid mods playing on multiplayer servers

simulator of a steam engine... i guess

very fun bullet hell metroidvania. great soundtrack, good movement and shooting. not much to say imo, it's short and free so pick this up for sure

why is this game so fun 😭
i am a vampire survivor now

i do not understand why this is a game. all this is is typing random letters into a keyboard and slowly getting to read pixelated words on a fake computer screen. had to do this shit twice for all achievements. i don't have anything to say about the story because i almost fell asleep while mashing buttons on my keyboard.

i did not fully complete this game, and by that i mean get all endings, but i did beat the game fully for the neutral ending. the soundtrack was nice and the story was interesting, but didnt captivate me in the same way it did many people apparently. gameplay is fine, nothing special, and the pixel artstyle isn't great by any standards. boss fights were cool, and some of the environments were pretty nice to walk around, but it's not as perfect to me as it is to other people. still, i can see that people love it, and good on them.