in my opinion the best in the hitman series, and probably the best stealth action game i've ever played. it was a great move to incorporate the whole woa trilogy into one game, and i applaud io interactive for making the less greedy choice (for once)
my favorite levels in the trilogy were the hitman 2016 levels, so getting to play them with the updated graphics, new items, and new gameplay features is amazing.
the visuals and level architecture is amazing, my personal favorite in terms of visuals is chongqing, with it's cyberpunk city asthetic. the soundtrack is also my favorite out of the series, being very cinematic and fitting with the story well, and the sound design is just as satisfying as 2016's.
in terms of gameplay, hitman 2 and 3 fixed a lot of minor annoyances i had with hitman 2016, including not having the ability to use instinct while aiming a gun, some awkward movement, and the addition of a green/yellow/red gun indicator for silent assassin.
the best thing about the hitman series is it's ability to accommodate vastly different playstyles, whether you want to sneak around and kill every target silently with no unnecessary casualties, or if you want to go wild and take out everyone on the map. there are so many different ways to complete any objective in any level, (except carpathian mountains, we don't talk about carpathian mountains) that it's almost a sandbox game. this also lends itself very well to speedrunning, as you can set up intricate kills and set them off from afar with all the gadgets and tools you bring with you from outside of the mission, as well as items you can find inside levels.
i won't be going into freelancer here, given that i haven't played it fully, (most of my time played was before it came out) but from what i have played it's pretty fun, albeit kind of buggy.
i haven't completed all achievements for this game yet, but i have beaten every level with the silent assassin and suit only rank, and done many contracts and elusive target missions. i've spent over 200 hours in the game, most of which has been speedrunning.
definitely up there with the stealth greats.
amazing game.

peak hidden cats game imo
artwork is nice and sound effects are satisfying
there's an achievement for each cat plus a speedrun achievement that i think has been removed now? not sure but that was a little annoying to do, not that hard though. nice bit of effort naming each cat for each achievement though.
it's free so go ahead

very very short distressing little visual novel.
freaks me out a little
the letter o scares me
played for about 10 minutes and got all achievements

amazing turn based strategy fighting game that also functions as a stick fight animation software somehow.
this easily should have won most innovative gameplay on steam, but starfield is starfield i guess.
this game manages to feel both completely overwhelming and also super understandable. the only way you will consistently win is by learning to read your opponent based off of the situation. there is almost always an effective counter that you can perform to any attack, and you just have to be right. there is a singleplayer training mode that doesnt currently have any ai, so the two characters in training mode are both controlled by the player. this can be used to script cinematic fights, or just mess around with different moves and see what they do. at the time of the review there are four characters, but a fifth is soon to be added. most achievements are just around little secrets you can find in game or milestones like fifty wins. there are also character specific achievements where you need to do specific things in a multiplayer match for the achievement.
ive gotten all achievements except for two that you kind of need to cheese, (kick them while they're down and evenly matched) both of which are extremely difficult and involve kinda being a dick to your opponent for most of the game. i'll probably just get a friend online to beat these. this shit is only five bucks and absolutely worth it. infinitely replayable.
very excited to see where this game goes and definitely going to keep playing it.

starting this off by saying that i can't speak on it's similarities to doom 2016, given that i still haven't played it.
i absolutely love doom eternal, and i also hate so many parts of it. the actual combat feels amazing and fluid, the guns are great and i like the weapon mod system. the enemies feel like good extensions of the enemy ideas from classic doom, the graphics are great and the world looks incredible. some of the best looking architecture and levels that i've seen in a long time. sound design is satisfying and the music is genuinely a contender for best video game soundtrack of all time.
it isn't all positives though. i don't think the movement in doom eternal is good enough to warrant the amount of first person platforming it requires you to do here. i had more deaths to falling off a platform/missing a jump than to any actual enemy encounters for the first almost half of the campaign. the story feels confusing and incoherent, while the devs still assume you understand it and tries to incorporate it into the game much more than they should imo.
the upgrade system with sentinel crystals, runes and the praetor suit is something i kind of despise, this might be something other people enjoy but other than using a few sentinel crystals, i didn't end up using any runes or praetor suit points at all, because i forgot soon after i was told to do so. this might be on me, but i just found the whole system to be unfun and immersion breaking. speaking of upgrades, even without them i still thought the game was relatively easy. i played through the game on the ultraviolence difficulty, and never really found myself struggling with any boss or arena. when nearing the last third or so of the game, i found the arenas to be more and more repetitive, and it really felt more like a slog to get to the next cool thing than a game that i was playing for fun. the multiplayer mode is something that i only tried out a couple times, and it seemed absurdly imbalanced in the favor of the doomslayer but maybe i'm just dogshit.
that's a lot of complaints, but i still really enjoyed most of my first playthrough. i doubt i will be revisiting this game, but i don't want to come across like the game is shit. i like it, i just have too many issues with it to give it a much higher score.
i haven't gotten all achievements, but i don't think i'm even going to try given how many multiplayer achievements are on there.

nice little puzzle game where time moves when you do, quite fun for a couple hours.
got all achievements in around 2 and a half hours, then replayed for another one and a bit
worth it, especially on sale.

fun bullet hell roguelite. don't really have any complaints about it but it gets old after a couple hours. only five bucks though!

i did not fully complete this game, and by that i mean get all endings, but i did beat the game fully for the neutral ending. the soundtrack was nice and the story was interesting, but didnt captivate me in the same way it did many people apparently. gameplay is fine, nothing special, and the pixel artstyle isn't great by any standards. boss fights were cool, and some of the environments were pretty nice to walk around, but it's not as perfect to me as it is to other people. still, i can see that people love it, and good on them.

not very fun, and overrun by hackers. only reason i put it as completed is because there is one achievement, and it's for launching the game 😭

i do not understand why this is a game. all this is is typing random letters into a keyboard and slowly getting to read pixelated words on a fake computer screen. had to do this shit twice for all achievements. i don't have anything to say about the story because i almost fell asleep while mashing buttons on my keyboard.

good and short speedrun game. art is simple but effective in conveying mechanics, and character animation is nice as well. story is very bare bones and not very interesting, but it's there i guess. great grapple mechanics and a cool time slow system that extends your range. the time slow doesn't slow down your timer which means you have to decide whether you want to keep it safe and lose time or take risks and save big time. pretty short but i don't have many issues with it.
got all achievements in about 13 hours but i think most people could do it in less, i just suck tbh

my two favorite things, kitty cats and capitalism.
good entry in the series, pretty easy though
took me about 9 minutes to 100%

short and fun escape room style puzzle game with great atmosphere and visuals. a couple of mildly bullshit puzzles but most of them make sense. minimal story and very cryptic but i'm sure theres something to piece together there. i played this a long while back on ios and picked it up again recently on pc, m+kb controls are fine, havent tried it on controller
all achievements just come with beating the game, no side content that i've found.
worth the five bucks imo.

the cheapest normal tetris on steam, only real gripe i have with it is some of the colors are pretty hard to see. got a high score of 440k after playing one round so there's that
only a dollar

i feel bad rating it this low, because there's clearly a lot of passion in the dev team and community, but it seriously didn't click with me. i'll try revisiting this sometime, and ill update this log if my opinion changes, but i sadly really just don't like it. banger soundtrack though