I think that the script of Baldur's Gate 3 is generally average, but there's a real Star Trek TNG sitaution going on. The actors are very good, and they can elevate an okay script into a great overall presentation.

The PC version has better UI/Controls than on PS5 vesrion, but I still find it rather lacking as an interface system. I'm frequently able to "do the wrong thing" and a disaster happens where I might as well load. "Lokathor, what are you talking about?", well here's some examples:
- I've clicked on a door frame by accident and then shot at that instead of the enemy.
- I've clicked on a party member by accident and then stabbed them instead of the enemy.
- I've clicked the ground when I didn't realize that melee attack was selected and then stabbed the air instead of moving the character.
- I've clicked a spot where I thought I was placing a summon, but there was a button to pick what type of summon that I hadn't clicked yet, so instead Shadowheart walked to where I'd clicked, provoking an attack that killed her.
- Characters following the "leader" character will happily walk over traps even once the trap has been spotted by a party member.

Even when there's not some disaster that forces a reload, there's interface stuff that's just not great:
- I wish there was a button to actually highlight all containers, not just the "important" ones. There's a mod for this, but it shouldn't take a mod.
- I wish the dice rolls didn't have so much ceremony involved. In 20+ years of playing DnD and other TTPRG games, never have I ever thought to myself, "what would make skill checks be better is if they took longer to resolve". Again, this is a mod, and it would be a simple check box, why doesn't the base game support it?
- Inventory management isn't great. If you're collecting a lot of stuff and going to sell most of it, you have to right-click all the stuff you wanna sell once to "add to wares", then usually a second time to "send to camp", and then you can't sell directly from the camp stash to a vendor, so you have to warp to camp, grab the whole stash up, and warp back to the vendor and sell it all. EDIT: You can hold shift to multi-select items when doing all this wares/stash stuff, but this only speeds up the process of sending things to camp, it doesn't really fix the general issue of not being able to sell stuff directly from your stash.

The game will track and show you how much the party members like you, but I wish that the game also tracked how much the party members like each other as well. It would likely be a small thing, but I think it would really help make the party feel like they've got some sort of dynamic going on beyond just a Main Character centered universe.

Very early in the game you have to get Lae'zel out of a cage trap, but some Tieflings are stopping you. If you just attack the Tieflings and you're an Order Of the Ancients Paladin then that breaks your Paladin Oath. The game has considered this, and has a special option for Paladins where they can make a DC 10 Deception check to convince the Tieflings to go away. However, if you fail this check, then you're just out of luck. You can't try anything else. You can't try Intimidate, you can't try to bribe them, nothing. Just load the game, or leave Lae'zel there, or break your paladin oath. It's not great, and if it was an oversight then I guess I could get over it, but there's specifically a Paladin option available, so we know that they looked at this specific encounter with Paladins in mind, and wrote it this way anyway. I ended up reloading and trying the Deception check again for nine minutes.

This game is usually pretty cool when it's all "working", but it also frequently isn't quite working right, and then it's just a slow drip of frustrations.

Reviewed on Sep 14, 2023


8 months ago

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8 months ago

"If you're collecting a lot of stuff and going to sell most of it, you have to right-click all the stuff you wanna sell once to "add to wares", then usually a second time to "send to camp", and then you can't sell directly from the camp stash to a vendor, so you have to warp to camp, grab the whole stash up, and warp back to the vendor and sell it all."

i'm confused by this, why would you have to do it this way? you can just loot the stuff and go straight to a vendor. also, you don't have to individually right click on items either way, you can shift + click to select multiple.

7 months ago

@haloblues Well you loot some stuff in almost every room, and you loot some stuff after every encounter, and going back to a vendor that often would just take way too long. When I sold my "pile of stuff" to the vendor in the Goblin Camp it was 1400 lbs of junk. I like picking up the stuff and selling it, the combat isn't fun, it's the grabbing stuff and seeing what I got part that's fun.
Separately yes I did later discover about shift click, yes, but I forgot to edit the review I guess. So I'll fix that part for ya.