man I love this game/bundle,It takes everything I love about the NES game and expains them with great music and great graphics I really recommend this game for everyone 10/10
super mario bros 2 10/10
super mario bros 3 9/10
super mario bros 8/10
super mario bros:the lost levels 6/10

450 mins of epic gaming and what do I think? (insert drumroll here)............yea it's good not as good as the REAL sequel to super mario bros were all looking at you lost levels. But anyways back on the rails I dont know why everyone loves this game so much like its good but not 4.0 Arg rating good.The bosses are way too easy for my liking and sometimes the levels are way too hard but thats it in terms of the bad so lets talk about the good but before we need to talk about raid shadow legends RAID: Shadow Legends™️ is an immersive online experience with everything you'd expect from a brand new RPG title. It's got an amazing storyline, awesome 3D graphics, giant boss fights, PVP battles, and hundreds of never before seen champions to collect and customize. I never expected to get this level of performance out of a mobile game. Look how crazy the level of detail is on these champions! RAID: Shadow Legends™️ is getting big real fast, so you should definitely get in early. Starting now will give you a huge head start. There's also an upcoming Special Launch Tournament with crazy prizes! And not to mention, this game is absolutely free! So go ahead and check out the video description to find out more about RAID: Shadow Legends™️. There, you will find a link to the store page and a special code to unlock all sorts of goodies. Using the special code, you can get 50,000 Silver immediately, and a FREE Epic Level Champion as part of the new players program, courtesy of course of the RAID: Shadow Legends anyway by lol 8/10

play cookie clicker.It's way more fun and has a more fun concept and the fact that grand budapest and this was released at the same time is insane.I love the idea of a capitalist game and this so disapointing.overall
adVebture capitalist can be said in one word:bad 1/10

the game crashed on wave 4 but over all it's better then the last 2 6/10

not as bad as RSL but it's still awful ngl

fun fact:I played this game on a plane.


i'm in france bady!!!!!!!!!! yeeeeeeeeessssss and just played a masterpiece of a game I don't wanna waste your time so i'ma just say good for now 9/10

Oh my good Lord! It appears you are obligated to manually position the physical media device of digital optical disc data storage format consisting of protective polycarbonate layer with reflective aluminum intrasystem of figurative semiconductor diode laser beam synthesis straight inside the electronic receiver gadget of your supposedly expediently legally acquired a voltage powered hardware machinery of a perpetual computing sequences of arithmetic and logical operations through collection of instructions of an encoded executable designed exponential intelligence as an ineluctable necessity.

this is my 100th log on this stie

Man I love watching those YT lets plays it never gets old