1 review liked by Longduckdong

i'm not gonna really write a super serious review here because most people already get the gist of how these games work and i know i took forever with this one ( lol sorry slime you're a king for putting up with me especially since it's literally been like 335 days ) but while i was excited for this one since it seemed contentious, i honestly really loved it .

it's not the best ace attorney game because i'd argue i still like what trials and tribulations does more and while the new artstyle and gameplay additions do make this a unique entry i kinda respect it for not trying to outdo itself too much in respect to it being a followup to what many consider the peak of the series . sure, you could argue that the cases being interconnected feels too close to what aa3 was doing and that the character writing suffers in some cases with specific witnesses feeling a bit one-note but i really enjoyed that they decided to play more with the commentary on law that really rounds itself off in the final case .

basically what i'm trying to say is i think that if you go into this not expecting another aa3 you'll find that there's a lot to love in this entry and that there's equal parts heart and genuinely well written stuff here that personally really carried the experience for me !

p.s. brushel chad tbh ! also i love klavier he's just like me fr !

pouring one out for him !

ace attorney 4 tribute fanart HEARTWARMING and EMOTIONAL !!!!