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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 9, 2024

Platforms Played


Player Non Player is one of those pleasant surprises I keep searching for. Despite the amateurish production values, there's a lot of heart and introspection. I was personally touched by a lot of the themes brought up by the various characters who follow a familiar structure of having a few unresolved issues tying them to the earth still.

The fear of death, loneliness, heartbreak, grief, body dysmorphia are all for the most part dealt in a very human way, on an island of stark contrasts, of photogrammetry asset store packs which nevertheless feel deliberate in their usage. The architecture and camera work during these character quests remain engrossing the whole way through.

But I think what elevates it is the surprising movement options for what could be dismissively labeled a walking simulator, with a hoverboard and super jump, there's a genuine appreciation and almost parody of videogame levels without being pretentious, there's a self awareness about it all that I appreciate. There's mario coins FFS. Even the way in which you interact with the world via your hand which stretches out to follow the camera in an octodad-esque manner when you press the left mouse button is used cleverly and amusingly.

It gets a recommendation from me.