So this is a weird one. I played this when It came out and I was like 11 or something. I remember being really impressed by the scope and technical execution of the game, which to be clear is still impressive what they managed to fit on to the DS. I enjoyed summoning my friend to help me with the bosses that gave me trouble and just generally enjoying the coop aspects via local wireless.

I never did beat this game. I made it to a boss who had two knights with him in a tower and he utterly destroyed my pre teen self over and over again. I think I tried grinding but the exp I got from nearby enemies were a pittance.

Flash forward to today, Im a more experienced, older gamer and to be sure a lot of the bosses that gave me trouble the first time around I completely embarassed now, which was gratifying. Unfortunately, in part due to the bog standardness of the setting and franchise, and the fact that any and all of your party members are entirely player created (probably to allow for any of them to be benched in favour of "epic_warrior_69") the story is incrediblye bland and boring, your entire party are blank slates, which I guess you could characterise yourself but as an adult thats a bit harder, I feel.

And because I was schooling every boss and it takes so goddamned long to get the ship that opens up the world I packed it in long before I could show that one boss what for. Idk man, Im not the biggest fan of most jrpgs, and this didnt really convince me much, all its really got going is the technical stuff.

Reviewed on Oct 07, 2022
