Ranking FE Romhacks I've Played

One of the things I occupied myself with in university years. I don't think I'm ever going to rate or review these games so I'll just talk about them here. The general trend is that the newer the hack, the better it is, since the modding community has done a lot of work over the years to really improve the features of hacks, as well as a general collective improvement in people's awareness of how to make good maps/do difficulty, but there are some exceptions.

If you've played any really good ones, let me know and I'll check em out!

I think this probably doesn't hold up to scrutiny like the few below it but in my estimation this is the only fe romhack that has writing that i would consider really good. The character interactions are interesting and I was actually interested in where the story was going next! The map design is pretty unique too, it's got some genealogy maps, some smaller maps, unique units, etc. Again, maybe if I was looking closer I would find more faults here but after I finished this I went away feeling "wow, that was great".
A really good showcase of how refined the modern hacking scene is; amazing implementation of thracia features and other QOL, tight map design and some cool replayability gimmicks like TRS-esque character choices and tons of characters. The development of this is quite interesting too, since it was made by a team and not an individual. Like most romhacks, the story is serviceable.
One of the most well-known hacks, and for good reason! Very full-featured and varied, a fairly captivating plot (at least for romhack standards), good map designs. It's vast enough to have different parts like Radiant Dawn and actually pull it off which few other romhacks are able to achieve. the protagonist is trying a bit too hard to be ike.
One of the better old(er) hacks, still feels quite unique in a very saturated scene, which is probably because it was worked on for so long. I feel like this was one of the first hacks to really understand how to differentiate units and make them all feel pretty unique. (though obviously I've only played a select few so take that with a grain of salt)
Not a crazy amount to say about the rest of these, this has serviceable map design and subpar writing. It's fine, a baseline modern FE hack
wannabe ike protag and some very serviceable map design, I remember there being some interesting maps where you play as green units and having a swordmaster jagen is differerent, but it's pretty forgettable otherwise.
map design plays it pretty safe, its fine. You play as red units but it doesn't make any meaningful difference. it's also nice and long.
gotta respect the one that came first, even if I don't like it all that much. Everytime I play this I get annoyed at how they don't give you a convoy until like... ch17 or something. Kelik is pretty funny though. This is a great writeup if you want a more positive perspective
Map design here is pretty decent but the writing... I think they were going for a Shadow Dragon-esque minimalism but it does not capture that and ends up feeling underwritten and bland. There's a Justice and Pride 2 coming out soon so maybe the next one will sort it out.
too easy, kinda boring map design and a meh story. it's not "bad", just forgettable.
I bounced off this so hard lmao. It's probably unfair to put this here since I quit after the first chapter but the anime transformations/superpowers/writing was really kiddie and embarrassing and I just did not like it at all! I know FE Romhack writing is already a low bar but I found this intolerable.


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