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2 days

Last played

March 5, 2024

First played

February 23, 2024

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You need to set your expectations right with this one to appreciate it. Pacific Drive is much more of a chill and occasionally spooky atmospheric looting/scrapping/crafting game with a focus on vehicle customization than it is a stalker-like or death stranding-like where death and danger are constant concerns. Initially I was disappointed by how loot-oriented it is, stopping your drive every 30 seconds to sift through a copy-paste interior with generic crafting mats is repetitive and not very interesting, but I eventually got into the flow of it. Moreso I feel the true letdown here is the anomalies: I think it would be gauche to want actual “monsters” - it’s not that sort of game, but the array of benign atmospheric hazards that comprise the bestiary here don’t really instill much tension in the gameplay; even in the final and supposedly most dangerous zone, there’s not much here that can’t be circumvented by just driving a little bit around it, and anomalies like “corrosive mist”, “shock mist” and “irradiated ground” just feel very uncreative considering they take up the same slots as tourists and wriggling wrecks that feel like genuine anomalies. The first time I got to the “Eerie Darkness” zone I was shitting myself at every random atmospheric noise, but once you come to the realisation that nothing is really out there and nothing will ever be there, the game kinda loses a lot of its mystique. Even from the perspective of the survival mechanics, the game is very easy - once you load your car up with reserve tanks and batteries, you’ll basically never run out of fuel or charge, and the result is that you can just gun it wherever without much regard for resource management in the lategame. In this sense I think it was a bad idea to make the game revolve around returning to a home base over and over - a continuous journey without free recharge/refuels could have introduced more long-term ramifications for bad decision-making, and it would have made me think about using all those oil barrels lying around that I never needed to touch or battery jumpers sitting in my trunk all game, and more linearity could have allowed some actual level design to be introduced into the game instead of endless proc-gen (it’s telling that the story missions that use preset layouts feel much more interesting than the proc-gen stuff).

Still, the atmosphere is so good in this game that I enjoyed it quite a bit, the driving mechanics are very well executed, and the quirk mechanic in particular is pretty genius; letting your car develop unique traits that further endear you to it, which is weaved in with the overarching narrative themes about obsession and letting go. I feel the whole narrative package would be a lot better if the ending was better though. [spoilers incoming!] I really thought the game was building up to a moment where you would have to sacrifice your own car, and I thought this would be really powerful. Every character in this game is wrestling with some sort of obsession that’s keeping them tied to the zone, and the game ends with Oppy overcoming hers and finally letting go of Allen’s death, and a very good parallel moment with the Driver needing to let go of their own car, which they’ve forged a connection with throughout the game, seemed like an obvious choice, but the game instead goes for a very video-gamey “you just unlocked Free Play mode!” ending where nothing really happens, which feels like it misses The Point in a narrative where letting go is the main theme.

Pretty cool game overall if you can take it for what it is, but I do think the same concept could be executed better, which I would like to see because the concept of this game is so good. In general I really like the “long haul through a hostile environment with gameplay revolving around logistics instead of combat” archetype and would love more games like it. Maybe I’m just looking forward to Death Stranding 2…