This is the solid foundational base for one of the better superhero game series. Unfortunately it does not stand the test of time too well. The set pieces are brilliant if dated, and the story does carry the game a bit, especially the charisma of the joker.
You can really run through the game in 10 hours so it doesnt really overstay its welcome. The combat was revolutionary back in the day but right now it can get a bit simplistic and monotonous by the end.
The stealth can be fun but the AI is also a bit mediocre , you can whoosh past a guy in slow motion in a rather obvious batsuit, but since your feet are off the ground, the guy isnt going to detect you.
Nevertheless I focused more on the negatives because they needed to be talked about. But the game itself, the experience of being the batman , his gadgets, the iconic villians is still immaculate. Playing Arkham Asylum, you can see why this series took off and I absolutely recommend it . Just not over its future counterparts.

Reviewed on Feb 27, 2024
