Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 12, 2024

First played

March 3, 2024

Platforms Played


Beautiful game, leaving you feeling so many emotions by the end.

This is probably one of the best looking game out there yet, that is one thing for sure and the characters, the story are wonderful but, the pacing is a bit... mediocre. A few chapters were really dragging and could've easily been cut short, especially with the amount of side content you have in the game, there was no need to drag the story and add so many details. I'm especially thinking about chapter 7 and 13. Longest chapters in history probably.

Didn't get to do much side content yet because I wanted to focus on the main story so I wouldn't get spoiled, but what I experienced was quite fun and definitely a pleasant surprise because I didn't think I would enjoy myself that much in the open world. Most of the minigames were pretty enjoyable too. I loved the parade and Loveless.

Combat was... something. Too much honestly. I'd rather if square enix could just keep it to turn based OR dynamic, not both because it really gets too much to handle. You have to think about so much and honestly the parrying/evading sucks. There are too many actions. Like. I would like to focus on one thing. Literally had to play the game on easy because it was too icky for me. I'm not saying I completely hated it but it's just too much overall.

The voice actors were all so good, and I'm especially thinking about Max Mittelman as Nanaki and the wonderful VA voicing Cait Sith. I grew to absolutely adore Cait Sith and I love that scottish accent so much. Matt Mercer was such a wonderful choice for Vincent too and I can't wait to see more of them. As for Aerith's VA, she definitely made me cry a few times lol.

The music was absolutely awesome and I already can't wait for it to be on spotify because I need to listen to these songs again.

ps : tseng should marry me
ps again : I probably cried everytime zack was on the screen