3 reviews liked by Lucas_03

i think the game as a whole is great but my favourite route ended up being heavens feel as the main focuses of that route ( sakura and kirei) are two characters that i think are exceptionally well written and i cannot emphasize how ridiculously amazing emiya is, not just in this route but in EVERY single route and is arguably the most consistently well written character in the fucking game. This game tackles its themes of heroism and justice amazingly and as someone extremely close minded about Fate this game made me genuinly believe the thing responsible for FGO is fucking beautiful god bless sakura matuo and emiya shirou

I finally finished the 3rd and last route of Fate/Stay Night. It honestly felt the longest route and definitely the darkest one thus far while also having probably the best slice of life and comedy scenes than anything that came before it.

After 2 routes of barely doing anything Sakura gets the spotlight she's is a great character i would love to go into detail but i believe that should be kept for the player to find out on their own she was great and i don't want to spoil anything about her. Every character that didn't get a chance to shine in the previous 2 routes get the spotlight in this route and they're all so amazing and were written brilliantly every scene with any of them was amazing.

Shirou and Rin must also be mentioned cause they both somehow managed to rival their characters from the previous something which i thought wouldn't be possible but man I'm so glad i was proven wrong they were both so cool and well written showing their characters in a new perspective they were a joy to watch.

This route was honestly amazing from giving the remaining characters they spotlight they deserved and utilizing them to their fullest and using the previous characters in a new perspective while also exploring some dark themes made this route addicting to read just to see how the events would unfold (rip my sleep schedule) while also utilizing everything that came before it and adding new stuff at the same time tying this whole game together in such a beautiful way.

Final Rating:
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/621346412059426819/958684011209846835/seiba_hawk1.mp4 /1000