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The true start of Super Mario! This game is now over 38 years old which is surely something to behold, but has this game aged well? Well might as well find out I suppose! :0

The controls feel quite tight yet snappy with some slippiness to go along with it, they work fine overall. However it sometimes can very much can very much get you killed too, multiple times. Which can be slightly annoying, turning around can also be quite awkward which throws a bit of a wrench in that side of the controls, yet with some precision it can also be a bit of a strength! It's quite satisfying to jump narrowly over a very close piranha plant in a pipe for example! Among other situations. Power-up wise it's simple yet effective, the fire flower being quite useful for clearing out long lines of enemies in your way, they're also just fun to mash out!! Quite satisfying. Though outside of that there's not much other power-ups to note of, which I personally don't mind too much here. Overall a solid base control-wise for the beginning of 2D Mario! Yet still not quite there yet, understandable for the first of it's lineage.

The levels themselves are mostly...well, pretty alright! Most of the time they're pretty decent, the castle levels however can be a bit of a pain especially the more later ones with pick-a-path level design which can just pointlessly waste your time, considering the fact I've played this game many times however it's not too big of a fuss. The music of each level is quite iconic! I myself enjoying the Underwater Theme most, despite the fact...there are only 3 water sections in the whole game! Which may or may not be a plus, depending on preference.

Over in all, Super Mario Bros is a short game, 32 levels with some secret exits along the way! Which certainly makes speed-runs of the game very impressive and quite cool to see! For the first of the 2D Mario Series it certainly marks a good starting point and while it may have some flaws that come from it being an older game, it's a fun game never-the-less, wahoo! :]

Reviewed on Feb 17, 2024
