Played and finished this game in a few hours in one sitting with my boyfriend, the reason I enjoyed it so much was because of that I think it was fun in co-op but I feel like the game would be super dull solo in comparison. This is not the usual R&C game as it is a tower defence game with linear planet design where you go do an objective, return to the base, kill hordes and then repeat till the end where you have one last rush and complete the planet.

Things I do like is the co-op, the weapon choice fits well and are fun to use, the upgrades to your character through badges earned on the planets and the cringey dialouge from the villain was amussing.

Things I disliked are the levels they felt dull and way to long, the reusse of a level when there is only a handful of them, the groovitron made the game way to easy and the pyroblaster was super strong which made anything melt in seconds with no chance of fight back and finally the back and forth felt a bit tedious on the longer levels.

Overall this game was fun and super short maybe like 3-5 hours I think so I would reccomend especially if you are playing co-op.

Reviewed on Nov 14, 2023

1 Comment

7 months ago

Alot more fun in co-op :D